LNC Awareness Week

LNC Awareness Week

July 29 - August 2, 2024

AALNC was founded in 1989 by a group of legal nurse consultants whose mission was to create an organization that would foster connection between other LNCs and provide a professional home for our growing profession. Over 30 years later, we have become the leading professional association for legal nurse consultants, dedicated to empowering and educating our field. We continue to remain true to our mission, expanding to reach more LNCs, both experienced and new, through our community and programs.

We look forward to celebrating with you!

Are you ready for our annual #LNCAwarenessweek celebration this year? LNC Awareness Week is dedicated to the legal nurse consulting profession, and we are so happy to see that dedication reflected back from our members, onto AALNC. We have an exciting week planned with spotlights each day on AALNC offerings, tips and tricks for LNC success, and community. 

Special Live Programming | Discounts and Deals | Get Involved

Special Live Programming

So You Want to Be an LNC?
Tuesday, July 30  -  12 p.m. - 1 p.m. Central Time
Contact Hours: 1.0

Join AALNC's Directors at Large for this informative introductory webinar: So You Want to Be an LNC? We invite you to hear their insight on becoming an LNC and their own personal success stories! Whether you are new or a seasoned LNC, there are helpful tips for everyone.

Register here.

Things I Wish I Would've Known: LNC Lessons Learned Roundtable Discussion
Thursday, August 1  -  1 p.m. - 2 p.m. Central Time
Contact Hours: 1.0

Do you want to save yourself some struggles and time by learning from others that have already been there and done that to find their success as Legal Nurse Consultants? Join AALNC board members for a roundtable discussion on things they wish they would have known early in their career and how they applied those lessons in their own LNC practice. There will be time for audience discussion and questions to help get you started and continue through the journey of an LNC career.

Register here.

LNC Lounge LNC Awareness Week Edition: What LNC Education Should I Pursue?
Thursday, August 1  -  6 p.m. - 7 p.m. Central Time
Advance Registration Not Required

Join AALNC President, Jennifer Parks, for a special edition of the monthly LNC Lounge! Jennifer and fellow board members will discuss education options that are available to the LNC, and where you should start if you are unsure. This informal conversation is a great place to dip your toe in the networking pool, and hear from your LNC colleagues.

Advance registration is not required, click here to join at the designated time.

Discounts and Deals

Next week, we will be higlighting discounts on AALNC membership, events, and other education products. Discount codes are active for new purchases only, through 11:59 p.m. Central Time on Friday, August 2nd!


Not an AALNC Member? Join or renew during LNC Awareness Week and get $25 off with discount code LNCMEM. AALNC Membership has many benefits, including member pricing on all education and events!

LNC Jumpstart

Did you miss our June LNC Jumpstart workshop? This program will be offered two more times this year - September 9 and November 8, with a special add-on activity scheduled for September 18. Register during LNC Awareness Week and get $25 off with discount code JUMP25. This is a great opportunity for the newer LNC to gain skills and network with fellow LNCs and AALNC faculty!


A special 25% off promotion is available for select spotlight bundles.Use code LNCAW25 on the recently updated LNC Professional Course:

Save 20% on these additional AALNC education offerings next week using code LNCAW20:

LNC Professional Course Module Bundles:

Clinical Specialty Series e-book bundles:

  • E-book Bundle 1Ambulatory Care, Assisted Living, Interventional Radiology, Opioids: Pharmaceutical Liability
  • E-book Bundle 2Emergency Department Care, Issues in Residential Care for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities, Pediatric Case Evaluation
  • E-book Complete SeriesIncludes all seven e-books

AALNC Reference Cards

Annual Forum 2022 On-Demand Series

Get Involved

Are you looking to share your knowledge and expertise with fellow LNCs? Submitting an abstract to present at the Annual Forum is a great way to get involved in the AALNC community, and gain valueable experience as a leader. The call for abstracts will remain open through August 9!


AALNC Shared Interest Groups (SIGs) are a great way to network with fellow members and LNCs from diverse backgrounds of specialty areas and experience levels. Whether you are a New/Novice LNC, looking to brush up on Report Writing, or interested in information sharing as an Expert Witness or in the Personal Injury/Medical Malpractice arena, there is something for everyone.


The AALNC Board of Directors regularly hosts an informal LNC Lounge - these zoom meetings are free and open to everyone, and have covered a wide range of LNC topics. Information and dates can be found on AALNC's Event Calendar, and some upcoming Lounges are listed below:

  • August 22, 6pm Central: Tips for Interviewing with Attorneys
  • November 16, 10 am Central: Learning Curve with Chronologies
  • December 13, 5pm Central: Holiday Happy Hour - Open Mic Night


Have you been wanting to get involved with AALNC and your LNC community, but unsure where to start? Anytime is a great time to get familiar with what your professional home has to offer, from networking opportunities to leadership roles and professional growth. Check out this informative session with some of our AALNC leaders and volunteers!